Community Notices

- rowan berry
-red string
Return the vicar's call
Ferret Man Bernard
Rats & rabbits - pay by the tail - no funny business
Call 4320

First Church of the Fen
Has your milk curdled? Do you awake with elf-knots in your hair? The Old Gods are angry. They stir in their slumber deep in the barrowdark. We must study the hidden roads and hear what the wind whispers, and know that there are in truth two moons. What you read are symbols, and fragments of symbols. The truth that men once saw was a window of many colours. Now the window is shattered and lies in glittering shards across the floor.
- YES - I will leave out milk for my Good Neighbours tonight.
- YES - I will be idle at my labours and filled with strange, wild longings
- YES - I would like to be sent a booklet (RRP £1.67) where I can learn more about lay membership
September 21st 1973